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Lenovo ThinkPad, Lenovo ThinkStation

ThinkStation P8 : un design révolutionnaire avec une puissance accélérée

Le ThinkStation P8 est une force dont il faut tenir compte. Derrière son boîtier modulaire iconique inspiré par Aston Martin se cache une architecture informatique de pointe avec une conception thermale de pointe. Doté des processeurs AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO 7000 de série WX avec le plus grand nombre de curs d’une unité centrale unique -un stupéfiant 96 curs - le P8 offre une puissance et une vitesse révolutionnaires. Parfait pour ceux qui exigent des performances accélérées pour les charges de travail multithreaded ou exigeantes en matière d’UC.


Aston Martin compte sur les postes de travail Lenovo pour créer des voitures légendaires.

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Intelligence artificielle et science des données

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) est un voyage, pas une destination. Grâce aux possibilités infinies de la machine et de l’apprentissage profond, de l’IA générative, de la modélisation du langage large (LLM), y compris la formation et l’optimisation, ainsi que la science des données et l’analyse de données, les entreprises de toutes tailles peuvent maintenant s’autonomiser. Pour vous aider à conduire votre propre avenir compatible avec l’IA, ne cherchez pas plus loin que les postes de travail ThinkStation et ThinkPad série P de Lenovo, y compris le ThinkStation PX, le poste de travail d’IA le plus puissant au monde.

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Architecture, ingénierie et construction

Lorsqu’il est question d’architecture et de construction d’infrastructures, vous avez besoin d’un poste de travail haute performance sur lequel vous pouvez faire confiance. Les postes de travail Lenovo ThinkPad et ThinkStation de série P gèrent facilement la modélisation des informations du bâtiment (BIM) complexe, ce qui comprend la visualisation, la simulation, la fabrication numérique ainsi que la conception générative et l’automatisation de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) de pointe, avec précision et facilité.

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Soins de santé et sciences biologiques

Pour développer des médicaments et des vaccins vitaux et interpréter des images médicales vitales des patients, les professionnels de la santé exigent le summum de la performance de leurs postes de travail. Des outils qui peuvent facilement utiliser des applications exigeantes de calcul, des écrans diagnostics avancés et des technologies de pointe. Les postes de travail ThinkStation et ThinkPad série P de Lenovo offrent la puissance, la performance et la fiabilité qui permettent d’accélérer la recherche et d’améliorer les résultats des patients et de meilleures expériences pour les patients, les fournisseurs et tous ceux qui se trouvent dans le continuum de soins.

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Média et divertissement

Avec une vaste gamme d’options, les postes de travail Lenovo donnent aux artistes et aux studios la flexibilité nécessaire pour effectuer n’importe quelle fonction de production - de l’animation 2D/3D à la composition et à l’édition, en passant par la finition de la création jusqu’à la production virtuelle. Les ThinkStation et ThinkPad série P de Lenovo sont les postes de travail parfaits pour les professionnels des médias et du divertissement, leur permettant de créer facilement du contenu pour des films, la télévision, la diffusion ou les jeux vidéo.

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Développement produit

De la conception à l’ingénierie jusqu’à la gestion du cycle de vie des produits, vous avez besoin d’un poste de travail qui répond sans faille à toutes vos exigences. Les postes de travail ThinkStation et ThinkPad série P de Lenovo peuvent facilement gérer tous les aspects du développement de produits, y compris la conception, la visualisation, la simulation, l’analyse, la gestion des données et même la conception générative émergente de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et les flux de travail d’automatisation.

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D’abord, il y avait de la vapeur. Puis l’électrification, suivie de l’automatisation. Une quatrième vague technologique est prévue pour transformer l’industrie manufacturière à jamais. Pour libérer le plein potentiel de l’Industrie 4.0, il faut une grande puissance informatique, vitesse et durabilité. Découvrez comment les postes de travail ThinkStation et ThinkPad série P de Lenovo peuvent vous aider à donner vie aux prochaines grandes choses en matière de fabrication.

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Études supérieures

Pour rester engagé et productif pendant leur parcours d’apprentissage, les étudiants ont de plus en plus besoin d’applications logicielles plus spécialisées. Par conséquent, ils ont besoin de plus de puissance de traitement et de capacités graphiques que l’ordinateur moyen peut leur fournir. C’est là que les postes de travail Lenovo ThinkPad et ThinkStation de série P peuvent les aider à briller.

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Deux postes de travail ThinkStation de Lenovo côte à côte, côte à côte, en angle, montrant les ports et les logos ThinkStation, à côté du logo des certifications FIL (fournisseurs de logiciels indépendants), sur un fond rouge bourguignon.

Sifflez et travaillez en effectuant un rendu

Chaque poste de travail ThinkStation et ThinkPad de série P est testé et certifié par des fournisseurs indépendants de logiciels (FIL). La certification FIL garantit la compatibilité, la stabilité et la fiabilité des logiciels et du matériel, pour que vous puissiez bénéficier de performances optimales. Vous n'avez pas à nous croire sur parole, voyez ce que nos clients en disent.

Vérifier la certification ISV de votre système >

Vanity (Visual Effects Co) utilise des appareils ThinkStation pour créer des métaphores visuelles branchées pour la lutte contre le cancer.

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Kojima Productions fabrique des jeux vidéo incroyables en utilisant des postes de travail Lenovo.

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L’école d’effets visuels, de jeux et d’animation Gnomon basée à Hollywood s’appuie fortement sur les ThinkStation de Lenovo en raison de leur technologie, leur fiabilité et leur évolutivité.

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Postes de travail ThinkStation série P
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Lenovo workstation computers are designed for demanding tasks like video editing, engineering simulations, and data analysis. 

An additional benefit is their future-proof nature. With their powerful components, Lenovo workstations can handle the evolving demands of software and stay relevant for years to come. 

Lenovo workstations target professionals and businesses who require a powerful and reliable machine for complex tasks. This includes engineers, architects, graphic designers, and data analysts.  But their appeal extends beyond these fields. Many business professionals praise Lenovo workstations for their reliability and ability to handle demanding workloads. 

Lenovo workstations offer superior performance, reliability, and durability compared to traditional consumer-grade desktops. They are also customizable and upgradeable, so you can configure them to meet your specific needs. 

Lenovo workstations come in a range of prices to suit different budgets. Generally, they are more expensive than consumer-grade desktops, but they offer significantly better performance and features. 

Selecting the right Lenovo workstation boils down to key features that align with your workflow. Consider processing power, RAM, storage capacity, types of storage, and graphic capabilities. Explore these and more in the comprehensive guide on this webpage to make an informed decision for your ideal workstation.

Absolutely! Lenovo workstations excel at demanding tasks, making them surprisingly adept at gaming. Their powerful processors and graphics cards deliver smooth gameplay for even the most intense titles. Plus, many models allow for future upgrades to graphics cards, keeping you ahead of the gaming curve. 

For serious gamers and those who also use their computer for professional work, a Lenovo workstation could be the perfect all-in-one solution. 

Unlike traditional pre-built desktops, Lenovo empowers you to customize your workstation through their "Build Your PC" program. This program allows you to select specific components like processors, graphics cards, and memory to create a workstation that perfectly aligns with your needs and budget. 

While not all models come standard with built-in Wi-Fi, most Lenovo ThinkStation P Series have Wi-Fi cards that allow them to wirelessly connect to the internet.   

Lenovo workstations stand out from the crowd by balancing performance, customization, and affordability. While competitors may offer similar specs, Lenovo prioritizes user experience. ThinkPad P Series boasts military-grade durability for mobility, ThinkStation P Series offers extensive upgrade options for desktops, and their "Build Your PC" program lets you tailor configurations at purchase. This focus on user control and future-proofing makes Lenovo workstations powerful, and adaptable choices. Explore the detailed guide on this webpage to see how these features can benefit your workflow. 

Absolutely! Many Lenovo workstations are equipped with multiple display outputs like HDMI and DisplayPort, allowing you to connect and extend your desktop view across several monitors. This is ideal for multitasking and increasing your workspace for tasks like video editing or data analysis.  The exact number of monitors you can connect depends on the specific workstation model and its available ports. 

Security is a top priority for Lenovo workstations. They come equipped with multiple features to safeguard your business data. This includes hardware encryption to scramble data on the storage drive, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chips for secure authentication, and even physical security features like chassis locks on desktops to prevent unauthorized access.  These layers of protection ensure your valuable business information stays secure. 

The ease of upgrading components in Lenovo workstations depends on the specific model. The ThinkStation P Series desktops are known for their user-friendly design with tool-less access to key components like RAM and storage drives. However, certain upgrades might require more technical expertise or a technician's assistance depending on the model.  It's always recommended to check the user manual of the specific model or consult with Lenovo technical support. 

Lenovo workstations offer a variety of warranty options, typically ranging from 1 to 3 years, with the flexibility to extend coverage for additional peace of mind. Standard warranties include phone and chat technical support to help troubleshoot any issues that may arise. For added convenience, Lenovo may offer on-site service via Premier Support where a technician comes directly to your business location to diagnose and repair workstation hardware problems, minimizing downtime and keeping your business productive. 

Lenovo prioritizes sustainability throughout the workstation lifecycle. They strive for energy efficiency with certifications like ENERGY STAR®. Additionally, Lenovo incorporates recycled materials into certain workstation components and offers packaging made from sustainable materials, reducing their environmental footprint. 

The Ultimate Workstation Buying Guide for Your Business

Whether you're a growing startup or a seasoned enterprise, ensuring your team has the right tools is crucial. Lenovo workstations are powerful machines engineered to handle demanding

tasks with ease. Let's explore the world of workstations, the technology behind them, and how they can empower your business to achieve its full potential. From tackling complex data analysis to rendering 3D designs, let Lenovo workstations become the backbone of your success.

Understanding Your Workstation Requirements

Equipping your team with outdated or underpowered workstations is a recipe for frustration and missed opportunities. Conversely, investing in the right workstations empowers your team to unleash their full potential, streamline workflows, and achieve remarkable results.

First, let's explore some key considerations to ensure you make an informed decision.

Identifying Your Specific Needs and Use Cases

What kind of work will you or your team be doing on these workstation computers? Are you a design agency architecting intricate 3D models or creating engaging multimedia content? Perhaps a data analysis team crunching massive datasets? Do your workflows involve complex simulations, Ingénierie software, financial modeling, or other processing-intensive applications?

The key to selecting the right specifications lies in understanding your core tasks. By pinpointing these demands, you can ensure your Poste de travail Lenovo is perfectly equipped to handle your workload and empower your team's success.

Selecting the Right Processing Power and RAM

The complexity of your tasks directly translates to the processing power you need. Workstations with powerful processors, featuring high core counts and clock speeds, ensure smooth operation for demanding applications. Here's a breakdown to help you assess your needs:

Basic Office Tasks & Web Browsing

For everyday tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, and email, a basic processor with a moderate core count (4 cores), a clock speed of around 3.0 GHz, and 4-8GB of RAM is sufficient.

Content Creation & Design

If your team works with photo editing, video editing, or 2D/3D design software, consider a workstation computer with a mid-range processor offering a minimum of 6 cores, a clock speed of 3.5 GHz or higher, and 16 Go de RAM for smooth performance. For applications like le rendu 3D or complex édition vidéo, processors with even more cores (8 or more), faster clock speeds (above 4.0 GHz), and 32GB of RAM are recommended.

Data Analysis, Engineering & Complex Tasks

For tasks involving complex calculations, simulations, or large datasets, a high-performance processor with a core count of at least 12 cores, a clock speed exceeding 3.5 GHz, and at least 32 Go de RAM is recommended. Ideally, aim for processors with 16 or more cores, 4.0GHz clock speeds and above, as well as 64GB of RAM for the most demanding workloads. With these specifications, your workstation can efficiently handle complex calculations and data manipulation, ensuring you and your team can make data-driven decisions faster.

Determining your storage needs

Don't let low storage space derail productivity and hamper your team's momentum. In today's data-driven world, choosing the right storage capacity and type for your Lenovo workstation is crucial.

The key is to consider the size and type of files your team typically creates and uses, and how quickly they need to access them. For instance, creative agencies that deal with large image and video files will prioritize different storage solutions than accounting firms that primarily work with documents and spreadsheets. Additionally, cloud storage solutions allow you to store your files online, freeing up valuable space on your workstation's internal storage. Here are the main storage options you can expect to find:

Disques durs

HDDs are cost-effective workhorses for massive data archives. Perfect for infrequently used files or large datasets, they offer ample storage (1TB or more) at affordable prices. However, they're slower than SSD in terms of performance.

Solid State Drives (SSDs)

SSDs allow for lightning-fast read and write speeds, significantly reducing load times and ensuring a smooth workflow for applications that rely on rapid data access. This makes them ideal for creative professionals working with large image and video files, or data analysts who constantly manipulate massive datasets.

While SSDs typically offer smaller capacities (250GB to 1TB), some Lenovo workstations allow combining them with HDDs to create a hybrid solution. This gives you the best of both worlds: the speed of an SSD for frequently used data and the vast capacity of an HDD for archives.

To unlock the full potential of your Lenovo workstation, use the below quick guide to choose the ideal storage solution.

Speed and Responsiveness

If you prioritize speed and responsiveness, SSDs offer blazing-fast read and write speeds compared to traditional hard disk drives (HDDs). This translates to quicker application launches, file transfers, and overall system responsiveness - ideal for those who demand a smooth and snappy workflow.

Grande capacité de stockage

For budget-minded businesses, HDD offers a cost-effective way to store large amounts of data (1 TB or more). However, speed and performance are often reduced.

Balancing Speed and Capacity

Consider a combined SSD/HDD configuration. This lets you enjoy the best of both worlds. Install your operating system, applications, and frequently accessed files on a high-performance SSD for lightning-fast responsiveness. Then, leverage a larger capacity HDD for storing less frequently used files or massive datasets that don't require constant retrieval.

Leveraging the Cloud

If your business revolves around large files, but constant local access isn't crucial, consider cloud storage. This frees up space for a blazing-fast SSD, transforming your workstation's responsiveness for the files you use most.

Never let storage limitations hinder your success! By understanding the trade-offs between SSDs and HDDs, and factoring in cloud storage, you can choose the ideal storage solution for your Lenovo workstation.

Determining Your Graphics Needs

Before we investigate specific graphics cards, it's crucial to understand your primary workstation tasks. The complexity of your work directly translates to the level of graphics processing power you'll need. Here's a breakdown to categorize your needs:

Basic Office Tasks & Web Browsing

For everyday tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, and email, a dedicated graphics card isn't necessary. The integrated graphics capabilities of most modern processors are sufficient for smooth operation of these applications.

Content Creation & Design

If your work involves graphics-intensive applications like édition photo, video editing, 2D/3D design software, or even basic 3D rendering, a dedicated graphics card becomes essential. Here's how to refine your needs further:

Light to Moderate Workloads: For tasks like photo editing, simple video editing projects, or basic 3D modeling, a mid-range graphics card with sufficient memory (4GB or more) is adequate.

Demanding Workloads: For complex video editing projects, professional 3D rendering, or working with high-resolution textures, consider a high-performance carte graphique with plentiful memory (8GB or more) and powerful processing capabilities.

Data Analysis, Engineering & Complex Tasks

If the primary workload involves complex calculations, simulations, or large datasets, prioritize a powerful processor. A dedicated graphics card may not be essential, but some workstation-grade processors offer integrated graphics suitable for basic visual tasks.

For certain data analysis or engineering software, a dedicated graphics cards can be leveraged for faster processing. In such cases, consider a mid-range graphics card with sufficient memory (8GB or more).

Other Key Features and Specifications to Consider

Beyond core hardware specifications, several additional factors can influence your Lenovo workstation purchase decision. Here, we explore some key features that can significantly impact your user experience:


Pour ThinkPad P Series Workstation users, the ideal display depends on how you will be using it. Creative professionals like graphic designers or video editors require exceptional color accuracy, high resolutions (like 4K), and wide viewing angles for precise color representation across the entire screen.

For office workers who primarily use productivity applications, a full HD display with good viewing angles may suffice. Additionally, consider the benefits of multi-monitor setups for increased productivity. Many Lenovo workstations support these configurations, allowing you to expand your workspace and efficiently manage multiple applications simultaneously.


Lenovo workstations provide you with the flexibility to connect to a wide range of peripherals and external devices. Common ports on Lenovo workstations include USB (various versions for data transfer and device charging), HDMI for connecting to external displays, and DisplayPort for high-resolution monitor connections.

Additionally, some workstations offer built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, eliminating the need for separate adapters and keeping your workspace clutter-free.


The ability to upgrade your workstation over time can be an asset, allowing you to adapt the machine to evolving needs.

ThinkStation P Series desktops are designed with maximum expandability. These workstations allow you to upgrade storage capacity, memory (RAM), and even graphics cards, effectively extending the lifespan of your investment.

ThinkPad P Series mobile workstations and ThinkStation Tiny models offer limited upgradeability due to their compact size. However, they often provide powerful configurations right out of the box, making them ideal for users who prioritize portability or don't anticipate needing significant upgrades in the future.

Built for Professionals: Discover the Power of Lenovo Workstations

Lenovo's workstation product line caters to a wide range of professionals and tasks. Whether you require a powerhouse un ordinateur de bureau pour jouer. for demanding engineering simulations or a portable powerhouse for on-site video editing, Lenovo has two distinct categories for you:

Postes de travail de bureau

Ideal for professionals who prioritize raw performance and ultimate expandability. These machines are equipped with powerful processors, high-performance graphics cards, and ample storage capacity to handle even the most intensive workloads.

Stations de travail portables

Perfect for professionals who need on-the-go power. Lenovo postes de travail mobiles combine portability with impressive performance, allowing you to tackle demanding tasks from anywhere.

Comparing Different Workstation Models and Configurations

Having explored Lenovo's workstation categories, let's take a closer look into the three key series: ThinkStation série P, ThinkPad P Series, and ThinkStation P Series Tiny. Understanding their strengths will help you pick the one that best aligns with your needs.

ThinkStation P Series: Uncompromising Powerhouse

The ThinkStation P Series represents the pinnacle of desktop workstation performance from Lenovo. These machines are ideal for professionals who demand uncompromised power for tasks like complex engineering simulations, high-resolution video editing, and scientific computing.

Unmatched Processing Power and Graphics: ThinkStation P Series houses top-of-the-line processors and cutting-edge graphics cards. This combination delivers exceptional performance for applications that rely heavily on graphical processing, such as 3D rendering, Animation, and design software. With high memory bandwidth and support for multiple high-performance GPUs, these workstations can handle even the most demanding tasks with ease.

Superior Expandability: These workstation desktops offer ample space for additional storage drives, high-performance graphics cards, and increased memory capacity. Feel free to customize your desktop as your needs evolve.

Advanced Cooling Solutions: ThinkStation P Series workstations utilize high-performance cooling systems to ensure optimal thermal management even under heavy workloads. This helps prevent overheating and throttling, allowing your workstation to maintain peak performance for extended periods.

ThinkPad P Series: Your Mobile Studio

The ThinkPad P Series isn't just a typical laptop. It's a portable powerhouse for creative and demanding workflows. Imagine editing 4K video footage on a plane, rendering complex 3D models on-site, or manipulating large datasets away from your desk - the ThinkPad P workstation laptops empower you to do it all, anywhere.

Stunning Visuals: Feast your eyes on vibrant colors and sharp details. The ThinkPad P Series offers stunning high-resolution displays with exceptional color accuracy, making it ideal for tasks like photo editing, video color grading, and 3D modeling. Some models even come with OLED displays for an immersive viewing experience, allowing you to see your work in stunning detail and true-to-life colors.

Military-Grade Durability: Accidents happen, especially when you're on the move. The ThinkPad P Series is built to withstand bumps and bruises. It undergoes MIL-STD 810G testing, a series of demanding military specifications that ensure the workstation can handle shocks, spills, and everyday bumps and knocks. Work with peace of mind knowing your ThinkPad P Series is built to last.

Long-lasting Battery Life: Power through your workday (and beyond) without worrying about running out of juice. The ThinkPad P Series boasts exceptional battery life, letting you stay productive on long flights, client meetings, or even remote work sessions. Plus, many models offer rapid charging capabilities, allowing you to quickly top up your battery to 80% in just 60 minutes. This means you can get back to work or creative pursuits faster, without being tied down to an outlet.

ThinkStation Tiny: Big Performance, Tiny Footprint

Don't be fooled by its size, the ThinkStation Tiny packs a serious punch. This compact powerhouse redefines what's possible in a space-saving design, making it the ideal solution for users with limited desk real estate or those seeking a minimalist workstation footprint.

Space-Saving Workstations: Ideal for cramped offices, shared workspaces, or even home offices where minimalism reigns supreme. Their compact size allows for flexible placement on desks or mounting behind monitors, freeing up valuable workspace.

Processor Options: While not as extensive as their full-size counterparts, ThinkStation Tiny offers a range of processor options, including the latest, cutting-edge processors capable of handling a surprising array of professional tasks.

Expandable Storage and Ports: Despite their compact size, ThinkStation Tiny models can accommodate multiple storage configurations. They offer a variety of SSD capacities to suit your needs, and you can add even more storage through external SSD enclosures.

The ThinkStation Tiny offers a versatile selection of ports for its size, including multiple USB ports, HDMI, DisplayPort, and some models have an Ethernet port for wired networking. This connectivity suite allows you to connect to various peripherals and external displays, transforming your ThinkStation Tiny into a functional workstation despite its miniature form factor.

Customization and Upgrade Possibilities

Créez votre PC

Unlike traditional consumer-grade desktops, Lenovo workstations offer a high degree of customization at purchase. This "build-your-own" approach allows you to select specific components, such as processors, graphics cards, and memory, to create a workstation that perfectly aligns with your needs. This flexibility empowers you to optimize performance and budget by choosing the components that deliver the most value for your specific tasks.


When selecting a workstation, consider its upgradability options. ThinkStation P Series workstation desktops are designed for maximum expandability. Their modular design allows for future upgrades to storage capacity, memory, and even graphics cards. This extends the lifespan of your workstation and ensures it can adapt to your evolving hardware requirements.

Connectivity and Expansion Options

Consider the number and types of devices you'll be connecting to your workstation. Lenovo workstations offer a comprehensive range of ports, including various USB versions, HDMI, and DisplayPort. Ensure the chosen model provides the ports you need to connect all your peripherals, external displays, and storage devices. Having sufficient connectivity options keeps your workspace organized and avoids the need for additional adapters.

We understand building a high-performance workstation can be complex. Our Lenovo sales experts are here to simplify the process, working collaboratively with you to design a workstation that perfectly aligns with your requirements.

Why Choose Lenovo?

Reliability and Support

Lenovo workstations are renowned for their reliability and durability. They're meticulously engineered with high-quality components and undergo rigorous testing to ensure they can handle demanding professional workloads.

Des prix compétitifs

Lenovo workstations are strategically priced to deliver exceptional performance without breaking the bank. This allows you to acquire high-performance computing power without exceeding your budget.

Comprehensive Support

Beyond hardware reliability, Lenovo offers a robust support system to ensure continued peace of mind. Standard warranty options typically range from 1 to 3 years, with the opportunity to extend coverage for added protection. Lenovo also provides multiple support channels, including phone, chat, and on-site service (via Premier Support). This ensures you can easily access assistance if you encounter any technical issues with your workstation. By investing in a Lenovo workstation, you're not just acquiring a powerful machine; you're gaining access to a reliable partner that prioritizes your success.

Expédition gratuite

By now, you're equipped with the knowledge to choose the perfect Lenovo workstation for your needs. Skip hidden costs - enjoy free standard delivery straight to your door. Get ready to experience a productivity boost with a powerful and reliable machine tailored just for you or your business.

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